Final Project - Ping Pong Shooter L7805CV
The Ping-Pong shooter, as its name, is able to shoot Ping-Pong balls, and the machine can simulate a real-world situation that if there is a player in front of it, it starts shooting; otherwise, it stops working
Criteria of Success
1. A machine that can shoot
2. Able to control the machine i.e. control weather the ping-pong ball will shoot or not
3. Able to control the system with a laser dependent switch
How it works:
The ping-pong shooter mainly contains three parts
1. A switch that is depends on a photoresistor and a light source(laser beam)
2. Two DC motors to shoot the balls
3. Stepping mother which acts likae a gate to control the flow of the ball
Main Component
DC motors
Stepping Motor (a8byj-48)
Micro controller (89S51)
Octal high voltage high current Darlington transistor arrays (ULN2803)
Voltage regulator (L7805CV)
A ULN2803 is an intergrated Circuit (IC) chip with a HIGH Voltage/High Current Darlington Transistor Array. It allows you to interface TTL signal with higher voltage/current loads
The chip takes low level signals (operate at low voltages and low currents0 and acts as a relay of sorts itself, witching on or off a higher level signal on the opposite side.
The 78xx family is commonly used in electronic circuits requiring a regulated power supply due to their ease-of-use and low cost
I.E. 7805=5V 7812=12V
Disadvantage: Input voltage always needs to be higher than the regulated voltage
Miscellaneous Component
Resistor (10k ohm *2)
Capacitor (33 pF*2,1000nF*1)
PVC tube (2" Diameter)
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